I’m sorry to be a Debbie Downer today, but this Saturday will be a year since someone I once considered a sister committed suicide, and I just wanted to share this video with you guys. More importantly, I want to tell anyone that is going through a dark time in their life that they are not alone. I promise. A lot of people thank me and read my blog, because it makes them feel like they are not alone and someone else understands.
I know how it feels to be sad, to be sad sad and to be flat out depressed. I’ve experienced all three, and know how dark of a place depression can lead you to. While it’s a pain incomparable, I can honestly say that it would never lead me to physically hurt myself or another. To know that there are people out there that feel even worse, worse enough to take their own life, I cannot even fathom.
So please, just know that you are not alone. You have people that love and care for you. They may not understand what you’re going to, they may not have the answers, they may have no clue what to say or say the entirely wrong things. But they love you. And you are not alone.