Hi. Can someone PLEASE tell me where the fuck the week went? I’m happy the weekends here but I’m already exhausted just thinking about it and it doesn’t look like the next few weekends will be any more “chill.” I’m considering on using a vacation week to just stay home, write, clean, go to the gym, and do absolutely NOTHING else. Anyway, I hope everyone has an amazing and safe weekend!
P.S. Fellas, you want to see what’s after the jump. Trust me lol. Just scroll all the way down to the YouTube video. You’re welcome.
San Francisco Food Blogger Bake Sale 5/14 – Come fight childhood hunger at 18 Reasons (593 Guerrero & 18th) from 10-6pm. Click image for details and other tasty treats from my girl Kat.
For the ladies, you’re welcome (it’s ok, i got a boner too):

The Giant Race 8/27: Was hesitant to join this marathon after Rach told me about it because I like to run but hate having to. Then, my co-worker told me it ended at home plate and it was pretty much a wrap from there. What better way to support a good cause, be proactive and active, and show 30 whose boss? More deets on how you can help on the way!
Speaking of the Giants:

Good luck to Team Ballz Out this Saturday! I’ll be cheerleading on the sidelines 🙂
Oyster Fest 5/14: For all you oyster lovers (bbq’d w/ tobasco, lemon, and a Corona for me please!), click on the pic for details.
For the fellas, you’re welcome (it’s, i popped a boner too lol):