Just the tip honey, just the tip.
I read somewhere that there is now a pill men can take to make their jizz taste errr … tolerable. I’ve never swallowed (is this why I’m single?), but I’ve had essence of jizz on my palette before and know that it isn’t exactly a preferred flavor of the month. Thus, I asked a few girlfriends of mine what they wish semen tasted like and got the following answers. Eating pineapple has a lot to live up to.
Watermelon agua fresca. My favorite fruit is watermelon. It’s so sweet, light and refreshing. It reminds me of laying in a hammock on a beautiful, sunny day. Imagine a man cumming in your mouth and it tasting like summertime? Have I also mentioned that my favorite season is summer?
Sugar icing.
You know, the sickly sweet kind they had you make in home economics out of water and powdered sugar. The kind they slather on top of Cinnabon. I mean, they seemingly look the same, why can’t it just taste the same?
Kettle corn. It’s the perfect mix of salty and sweet, which is what men swear cum tastes like anyway. I’m sorry, but until you’ve actually tasted your own nut you have no say in the matter.
What does semen actually taste like? I can’t quite say. The closest thing I can compare it to, is when you jump into a body of water and it gets up your nose and you kind of choke on it. That taste in your mouth/nose is what semen tastes like. If you have any better descriptions for me, please share. And feel free to let me know what you wish sex juices tasted like (male or female).
Now I want Cinnabon.