>“The only thing I wish? I wish a n*gga WOULD.”
When you are truly passionate about something it becomes your passion. And when you’re passionate about something – and I’m talking even more than I am about the Giants – it becomes your THING. Picasso’s thing was painting. Charlie Parker’s thing was the saxaphone. Michael Jordan’s thing was basketball. My thing? Take a wild guess. And anyone whose “thing” is also my “thing” knows that plagiarizing is not only pathetic, but shameful, and a blow to ones own self-esteem as well.
I have ZERO tolerance for plagiarism. While no “concept” is original I write from my fucking heart (and ok sometimes vagina *ahem*) so take heed that you are not just stealing words from my brain, YOU ARE STEALING BITS AND PIECES FROM MY SOUL. And I am the fucking gatekeeper of this house. Likewise, I could never steal from someone else. Because not only does it not feel good when you get acclaim for it, but it’s basically saying, “I am not good enough so I have to steal from someone else.” And I don’t fucking play that shit. GTFOH.
Time to start getting my shit copyrighted.