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Run Or Dye.

Last Saturday I was offered a ticket to participate in the Run Or Dye 5k at Candlestick Park and I’m so happy I took it! Someone once told me marathon runners are a “special breed,” and I agree. There really is no reason one should voluntarily run over a mile for no reason, what more pay to do so. However, Run Or Dye is hardly a task. Asides from having to get up at 7:00am on a Saturday morning, it was all fun and games after that. 


Pre-race prom pic! I’m the big spoon 😉


 I didn’t do it!!!


Lebron James-ing.


Run Or Dye. We chose dye.


BTW, the origin of the dye used in activities like this and The Color Run, go back to India where they celebrate The Festival of Colors. However, Hindus have been celebrating something called Holi in the springtime since 300 BC.



Dirty girls.



Congratulatory meal at Hard Knocks. Catfish, collard greens, and rice with gravy.

Although I had a blast, I’m not too sure I’d participate again. While it’s definitely something you should try once, it’s not worth staining your clothes or having to wait a few days for the dye to get out of your armpit (amongst other crevices :X ).

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