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Happy HourS


“It was nice meeting you too,” she said with a huge smile as she crossed her legs in her new “Power dress,” which was just a sheath dress that hugged her in all the right places. She knew what she was doing, and the free drinks in front of her only confirmed it. She turned to her friend sitting next to her at the bar wearing a similar dress, and exchanged the same, “Well that was interesting” face.

It was hump day, and the two of them were at a local happy hour spot known to be a meat market filled with Euro trash. That day it was exactly what she needed in the event the real reason she was wearing that dress never showed up. But just like clockwork she received a text message, and soon after she was getting dropped off at his house. When he met her in the lobby she could tell he liked her dress too.

“You look like a lawyer,” he said with a devilish grin on his face. Time for some cruel and unusual punishment she thought.

She pushed him onto his bed then straddled him, while she asked how work was. How she managed to talk with his boner pressing up against her lips, she’ll never know. But she did, and she made sure he did too.

“I don’t know if you want to hear this right now,” he said. “No, it’s OK, go on,” she replied while she took off his sweater. “Well the code blah blah blah blah.” There goes his shirt. “Blah blah linux blah blah.” She began to unbuckle his belt. “I can’t talk about this anymore,” he said feeling willingly defeated as she pressed her thighs harder around his waist.

But it was too late. He already sat up and began to unzip her dress, and before she knew it she was naked and on her back. He kissed her all over, and the extra dirty martini she had just moments ago started to kick in. He kissed her hip bone, and her whole body shivered. By the time he came back up to kiss her on the mouth, he was already inside of her. She reached over her head to grab a pillow to bite on, but instead felt the belt she took off of him moments ago. While he rammed himself into her, she managed to slide both of her wrist into the belt loop. Proud of herself, she presented her bonded wrist to him with a naughty smile on her face. Her eyes said it all: Fuck me hard and don’t let me do anything about it. 

He pulled the end of the belt taunt as he fucked her harder and harder until she couldn’t take it anymore. “I’m going to cum,” she screamed. With that he tightened his grip, and she combusted from the inside out. He followed seconds later, then collapsed on top of her. Breathing heavily, she massaged her wrist. It was her first time doing something like that with him, and she enjoyed it. She looked over at her dress, now adorned with her bra and a condom wrapper. “Good job,” she thought.

Happy hour, happy girl, happy vagina, happy night.

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