Watching the game the other day made me realize that we have one of the best looking baseball teams out there. Asides from my bias opinion that the San Francisco Giants are one of the best teams out there PERIOD, our players really are fucking handsome. I did a post about my starting line-up (in the bedroom) back in 2010, so it’s only right I do it again starting with …
Ryan Vogelsong. When Vogey replaced Zito in 2011, it was actually his second stint with SF, and I am so glad we gave him another go. The Giants can never have too much eye candy.

Brandon Crawford. Crawford is fucking adorable, just look at him. With a combination of boyish good looks and a plethora of remote plays, it’s hard not to love him. And if you’re going to resemble Uncle Jesse aka John Stamos even just a little bit, you know you’re going to be handsome.

Michael Morse. I remember when we first picked up Michael Morse, before the regular season even started. My girl Dre from the Chronicle text me something along the lines of, “It’s your new boo”. I replied, “Eh, I’m cool”. Little did I know how much she knew me so well. 10 home runs later, and I am officially a fan of the beast. I tried to fight it for as long as I could, because I honestly don’t think he’s that handsome. But when he smiled his doofy little smile with A-Ha’s Take On Me playing in the background after hitting his first double (bringing three base runners home) in last Sunday’s game, it was pretty much a wrap.

Angel Pagan. I mean duh fucking DUH. How can I not fall prey over Latino Jesus? My Latin love is slowly dying, but I will always have a special place in mi corazon for Pagan and his salute.

Brandon Belt. I never thought Belt was that handsome until I shot the Giants commercial with them earlier this season. Belt just so happened to be one of the players filming that day, and he sat one row and two seats behind me. It was only then that I realized how dreamy he was in person. And since then? I’ve never looked back.
