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Acid Reflex.

Every other day I find something new that reminds me of how old I’m getting. This time, it was realizing how I actually want to spend time with my family. Over the weekend I went on a family camping trip in Coloma (highly suggest this place btw), and smoked with my new stepdad. Anyone that knows me knows I don’t smoke cigarettes, so I’ll let you put two and two together. I’ve never smoked a cigarette before, never even tried and it’s something I and others pride myself in. This is what makes it even more hilarious/absurd when I confess to people that the very first drug I’ve ever tried is acid – in the summer of 8th grade. 

Yes, I am about to tell you about the first and only time I tried acid. 

Let me set the scene, I just graduated middle school. Barely had boobs yet. Well, I’m still waiting for them to come in, but you get how young I was. I was at my close friend’s birthday barbecue at Orange Park with her family in broad daylight, when she handed me a tiny square of paper.

“What do I do with it?” “Just place it on your tongue” *A few minutes later* “So how long am I supposed to keep it in my mouth?” “I spit mine out a long time ago”. WHAT. THE. FUCK.

I don’t exactly know when it started to hit, but I know it wasn’t until we got back to her house. We were playing Taboo and I just couldn’t handle myself. I still can’t, but I’m talking laughing uncontrollably. Thank God I was always a little kooky, otherwise, her family may have caught on. It wasn’t until I started to sit on my hands during a round when I told myself that I should probably take a break. In a room. In the corner of the house. Far away from adults. Or anyone.

And so I went to an empty room and watched TV. I can’t remember what I was watching, BUT THAT SHIT WAS HILARIOUS! I must’ve been in that room for at least 20 minutes staring at the screen, and laughing until tears streamed down my face. That is at least 20 minutes until I realized that I was just staring at a blue screen. Maybe it was telling jokes or something? I have no idea. I walked out the room puzzled, and eventually the acid wore off.

Pretty anticlimactic right? No neon pink butterflies circling over me. The clouds weren’t trying to give me a high five, and the floor tiles didn’t  perform a conga-line. Maybe I got duped. I’d like to think I got lucky. Would I ever try it again? Sure. Maybe not at a friend’s family party though, I have my own to do them at. 

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