In case you missed it the first time, check out this past weeks posts below! And don’t forget to follow GATNB on Instagram here!
The Beginning of the End: Remember that every second you continue to spend fighting for the wrong cause, is a second stolen from healing those wounds.
Whats up u miss me: When the past calls, they say to send it straight to voicemail because it has nothing new to say. So what do you do when it texts?
Super Salad (hump-day post): Would I like my salad tossed? No thanks, I’ll just have a sandwich.
The Sweetest Thing: I never quite understood the concept of “wanting your cake and eating it too.” I mean, why the fuck wouldn’t I want to eat my fucking cake? If I didn’t want it, I would’ve never walked my happy ass to the buffet table, and took a slice.
When the Evidence is Evident: If you go looking for something in a relationship, you’ll usually find it. And that’s exactly why I didn’t go through his phone.