I manifested him. A true partner. A motivator. A man that makes me laugh and feel sexy. Someone on the same team. Someone that gives me a safe space to communicate. And superficially - someone with a good job in tech that I could go to rap concerts with.
He came to me right before I hit the "delete" button for what would be the last time. Not exactly what I wanted, but more than I expected and everything I needed. He was emotionally available and very clear about his feelings for me. His vulnerability made me feel terrified yet safe at the same time. It's not easy, nor is it perfect. I don't even know how long it will last, but what I do know is I deserve this.
I also know that the "old me" wouldn't have known what to do all of these green lights. She would've self-sabotaged by now, blocked him for no reason or went on a date with someone else just for "insurance". The old me wouldn't have appreciated HIM. And the only reason I appreciate him today, is because I manifested her too.
I manifested her. A woman that knows she's enough. A woman who is patient, but doesn't settle. A woman who is grateful beyond measure. Who is empathetic while still honoring her boundaries. She's confident and humble. She is a better friend, lover and human. She is gentle with herself and kind to others. She isn't afraid to communicate how she feels regardless of the reaction. She's inspired and inspiring. She's loved and loving. She fiercely believes that no matter what happens, she will be OK.
THIS woman didn't manifest THAT man, she attracted that man. So ladies, before you go manifesting your dream man, make sure you're your dream girl first.