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“Some peoples lives are planned out, per-destined puzzles waiting to be put together piece by piece. Others however, have the uncommon luxury of creating their own life’s destiny. This Spring BOTB releases it’s first official collection: No Fate – a reflection of the modern day youth.

No Fate takes a literal swing to it’s title with unexpected details within each piece, like spontaneous prints and strong cut-outs . Loud graphics like the Epic challenge the “take is safe” notion we all know too well, while the In The Dark bralette embodies the ‘girl-on-top’ attitude our generation of young females have grown accustomed to. No Fate is the ultimate challenge to the idea of a perfect future, and offers an alternative to females seeking their own light at the end of the tunnel. It’s all about creating your own outcome, and taking charge of your surrounds to Make Epic Shit Happen.”

These are my favorite pieces from the line *ahem LAWN* lol. Click here to enter the House of BOTB, and see the rest of the collection.

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