Photo courtesy of USA TODAY Sports
Personally, there’s close to nothing better than watching a day game at AT&T Park on a sunny afternoon. Yesterday I did just that, and the tussle above between Bumgarner and Guzman was the second best thing to happen next to us winning the series. Between tensions rising in the NL West and the NBA finals – I’m exhausted. Not to mention slowly developing a baby beer belly. Thank God I get a break during football season, and have yet to attend my first hockey game.
Likewise, I don’t expect everyone to enjoy sports. Thus, I wanted to share my go-to websites for sports related news in an attempt to make it a little less painful for those even mildly interested. If you have a favorite not listed, please feel free to share!
CSN Bay Area – When it comes down to the nitty gritty, I give a fuck about the rest of the world. I’m kidding, but I obviously check in with the home teams first. I like CSN Bay Area, because they update their website the most frequently.
Bleacher Report – I’m a fan of BR, because they don’t just report the news. They also write about a variety of sports related topics including the most awkward butt slaps and what D Wade wore during his post-interview. They’re funny. And bitches like funny.
McCovey Chronicles – My old co-worker Dre introduced me to this blog, and it’s been bookmarked ever since. It’s the online equivalent of taking a few fans from each section of the ballpark (ok fine, maybe minus the loud drunk folks in the bleachers that I may or may not be a part of) and sitting them together. It’s a true community for all things Giants.