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Everyday A Star Is Born.


Occasionally, I get these awesome emails professing how inspirational my blog is, and I always respond by saying that your kind and encouraging words inspire me just the same – if not more. It may sound corny, but it’s true. I get a lot of my motivation by surrounding myself with positive, supportive people. Dreamers, but most of all doers. And it amazes me how blessed I am to know so many.

When I see people friends like Lawn, Evan and Baker  living their dreams, it inspires me to do the same. So I wanted to do the same for you by showcasing a young talent on the blog from time to time in hopes that they will inspire you as well. Starting with Ria Michelle, the HBIC behind Filthy Magic. I remember randomly finding FM online one day and loving their unique items. At the same time, a woman named Ria was commenting on my blogs. I finally clicked on her link and it took me to her personal website where I put two and two together, and realized she was FM!

Read on to be inspired!

Editors Note: This project is long overdue. As a matter of fact, this interview was conducted in 2011. 

Name, age, affiliation with Filthy Magic: Ria Michelle, 25, HBIC haha

How did FM come about? Filthy Magic came about because I’ve always wanted to share my tastes and fashion with the world and I’m a web addict. Combine the two and you get a webstore. My boyfriend, a graphic designer helped with the conception of the logo and name and I went from there.

What is the story/meaning behind the name? I guess people would describe me as kind of edgy, I mean I have skulls on my business cards and people always ask me what it means like there’s some hidden meaning besides me liking the imagery. Having a word like Filthy combined with Magic just really fits my aesthetic. In this case I’m using the word Filthy as an adverb as in to an extreme extent like “filthy rich” and magic is the way fashion makes me feel. It’s really transforming. I’m enchanted with fashion and I want others to feel the same way. I want the clothes and accessories they purchase to be special to them.

Describe an “FM” lady: A Filthy Magic lady is always on trend but never dated. She turns heads and her pieces make a statement. She is style.

Asides from fashion and FM, what are you interested in and what other projects are you working on? Aside from fashion & FM, I love dancing and I’m really into british tv. I’m not working on any immediate projects currently that aren’t related to fashion but soon I’ll be developing websites for a few clients and doing a bit of event planning.

When you’re not shopping on FM, where are you shopping? Online for sure, ShopBop, I Don’t Like Mondays, Plum for Polly, Karmaloop. I love to try and get the best deal.

What are three things currently in your closet that you can’t live without? My dolce vita jemma boots, mink pink slasher shorts, my two Unif shirts (I cheated on that one haha)

Best fashion advice: I know it’s really cheesy but it’s the best advice there is: Be true to yourself. Do you. Whatever makes you comfortable.

Advice you have for young entrepreneurs: Be vigilant, there will be days that are tougher than others but keep your head up. It will pass.

What inspires you? Beautiful women, a sick pair of shoes and the endlessness of the internet.

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