I really should just add a “Sports” tab in my drop down menu.
Anyway, for those like me who unfortunately missed the Dubb charity game over the weekend, here’s some highlights of the night. B-Diddy in the third!
On another note, I’d like to take this time out to thank everyone for all their condolences during this tough time in my life. No, seriously. I think it’s awesome, not to mention hilarious that I get texted/tweeted/Facebook’d/emailed everytime anything concerning Jonathan Sanchez occurs.
As I’ve mentioned before I don’t pay too much attention to baseball outside of the Giants, so I’m not too sure how I feel about this Cabrera/Verdugo trade. From the few articles I’ve read and a 13+ deep email thread at work, I’ve deduced that it was a good move but followed with some uneasy “I guess we’ll just have to wait and see’s”. First of all, I have never even heard of Ryan Verdugo. Second, Sanchez was sporadic all season, but seen to still have potential. Lastly, Cabrera had a poor 2010 run, but a good 2011 run that some say was a fluke and will least likely happen again the 2012 season. Asides from that, all I know is his first name makes me want chocolate chip cookies, and with him on the team Torres is either not going to get as much play or may not even be a Giant. NOW WHOSE ASS AM I GOING TO STARE AT WHEN I’M SITTING IN THE CENTERFIELD BLEACHERS? TELL ME DAMMIT!
Sabean is ruining my love life. I kid, I kid. Kinda.
I’ll always be a Giant, but I can honestly say that I feel in love with our band of misfits from 2010. The combination of the players is what made the team special, and what made the winning season magical. *SIGH* OK, seriously getting bummed out here. Once again, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. Now please excuse me while I pick up the pieces of my broken heart … and ship them to Kansas City.
For anyone interested, I really liked this SJ Merc analysis on the trade.