>There is so much talent in the world (yes, amidst all the garbage) that sometimes I can’t believe certain songs or artist aren’t getting any play. Two of these artists are LeMarvin and Pretty Willie who you may or may not have heard of (as well as may or may not be signed). Just thought I’d share the ear candy 🙂
LeMarvin – Thug Like Me
Thug Like Me is the quintessential story of the good girl and bad boy. The lyrics are cute, and the beat is playful. And if you like that Jaheim type of gangsta love or sexy J Holiday tip, you’ll also wanna check out LeMarvin’s slowjam called “You Got That” here.
Pretty Willie – 4 Walls
When my boy Scott first put me on to this song, I swear it made me want to be an asshole and cheat on someone lol. It makes me just want to be naughty. And I love when the Michel’le sample drops. But alas, 4 Walls DO talk and he admits it in the Pt. 2 of this song, “4 Walls the affer effect,” which you can peep here.