>3 things:
1) I rarely ask yall for favors but I’ve been wanting to play this song on repeat since I first heard it during her show at Yoshi’s last November. It’s a really cute, happy song. So if you or someone you know just so happens to have it or a legit link to where I can download it … holla at a homegirl. Pretty please? I’ll write, post, and dedicate a haiku in your honor! Or I dunno, think of something lol.
2) MISSING: If you see this girl, please report her to mouf.peace@gmail.com. Thanks. Was going through old pics on my laptop and came across this. I don’t even fucking look like this anymore – double wah!
3) OK, this is only half a wah ‘cuz I hate the rain. Buuuuut I know U C IT! Those little snowflakes on Saturdays forecast that is. If it happens I’m pretty sure I’m gonna cry lol.
Alright, have an amazing weekend everybody!