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TGIF – GTL Edition

I was a NC45 this time last year, all the way up to December. I am now NC43 and can see the floor through my thighs because they’re so translucent. I need a tan ASAP, and it looks like just the perfect time to get one. What I thought was going to be a weekend filled with absolutely nothing, is now action-packed and I ain’t even mad.

Life has been so strangely awesome lately that it kinda scares me even though I know it shouldn’t. But while I know the contribution I’ve made towards my own happiness, there’s still that part of me that’s convinced it’s all a fluke and will be gone any second now. I’ll save the full elaboration for a future blog post, however, I do want to say two things. Two simple things that if you’re “ready” can change your life, or at the very least, the way you look at it.

Do things that make you happy. And do things even when you don’t want to do them.

That sounds like a gang of bullshit, not to mention a complete contradiction. If you didn’t get it, you may not be ready. At any rate, I’m a little annoyed of my “happy” self lol. Maybe I’ll go meet a tall, handsome basketball player this weekend to bring back my torment and edge lmao. In the mean time, I’ll be spending this glorious Friday at the gym and laundromat. Saving the tanning for the beach, bbqs, Belmont, and baseball!

Have an amazing 4th of July everyone!

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