I totally wrote a goddamn 5 page essay about people, females especially, who talk shit about go-go dancers (and assume instead of ask PERIOD) as if they personally know each and every one of them. But then I realized that I’d be giving these snatches waaaaay too much credit by publishing it. So instead I’ll say this …
I ain’t buggin over the stereotypes go-go dancers get, I’ve heard ’em all and I break ’em all. Dance half nekkid inside a cage at the club and ur bound to get judged, it comes with the territory. That ain’t my beef. My beef is with these so-called conscious daughters that wanna get all righteous on a mufucka as if they’re better than the next woman. Preaching about sisterhood and how we should support one another … yet are so quick to talk shit about sumthn they don’t understand. Berating to the masses how we should think outta the box … but stone those who dance on top of one. Like damn, did a go-go dancer run over ur puppy?
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I’m not offended by the shit I hear ‘cuz I know yall little girls ain’t talkin bout me. But there are ways to NOT support something and get ur ideals across without talking shit about the opposition. If go-go dancers are sorry excuses for women … is talking shit about them, judging them, and teaching other girls to hate them setting a better example?
Whatever. YOU need to worry about why ur man cheated on u for 3 years and ur the only one that doesn’t know about it, and YOU need to check ur last Halloween costume ‘cuz u wearin just about as much clothing as I am in this flic. Womp womp. Congratulations, yall just got verbally raped by this skank-ass, low class, unintelligent (ex) go-go dancer.