>[09:58] him: hey i got a random ass question [09:58] him: kinda shy to ask cuz its definitely tmi [09:58] him: dare i ask? [15:11] me: ask away [15:48] him: what feels better [15:48] him: clitorial or g spot stimulation [15:48] me: gspot [15:48] me: theyre so different [15:49] me: clitoral is easier to obtain though [15:49] me: but its short lived [15:49] me: but if u can get both at the SAME TIME [15:49] me: the clouds will part, the sun will shine, and rainbows will appear [15:52] him: HAHA [15:52] him: ur a nut [15:52] me: i’m just sayin …
Ladies, do you agree?