>Just got home and did what most normal people do at 4:30am, wash my face, change into my jammies – and then opened up Photo Booth lol. I wasn’t even up this late the last time I went to Vegas (for shame). The worst part is I’m not even sleepy. Probably because I didn’t drink, but if you had 5 shots of Goose back to back and then a beer like I had last night, you wouldn’t have either.
Lots of reasons to celebrate this weekend. No one got a promotion or had a baby. No one got married or graduated college. Just feeling very blessed to have wonderful people in my life. Today over a dessert so good it made me turn into a fob, “That’s coconuts good!” I almost cried from laughing so hard. The MOST inside jokes were made. “Girls – 1. Joe – 0,” “ohs. ohs.” “Don’t forgets my waters backs!” “Err. err. erray.” It’s little moments like these that leave such a big impact in your life.
I hope everyone had as good of a weekend as I did. Now let’s see if I actually get up to run in a few hours …
