>Today someone made a Little Lucca run, so of course I got me a crab with garlic spread. It’s amazing how many “That’s what she said”‘s a sammich this big can get. Here’s a few of them:
“Damn, that thing is HUGE!” “Dude, the meat keeps poking out the end” “I don’t remember it being this big the first first time?” “It’s all over my chin!” “It (the crab filling) keeps slipping out” Followed by a 😦 “I don’t even think I can fit my mouth around that” (From my boss on the phone when I told her I was finishing mine, she hasn’t even seen it yet) “Aw man, I should’ve measured it before I ate it”
This pic does NO justice, I promise. Just think of a big football … or a baby torpedo lol. Anyway, have a good weekend everyone!